Celebrating Main Streets

Leadville is proud to be a part of the Colorado Main Street program, which offers focused support to towns as they seek to revitalize and empower their communities through developing healthy and thriving Main Streets. Main Street programs enable Colorado towns to preserve their history, stimulate economic growth, and promote community. Main Street gathers local stakeholders and provides the technical support they need to invest in their communities and establish or preserve a flourishing Main Street.

Colorado Main Street uses a four-point approach: organization, design, promotion, and economic vitality.

The Four Point Approach


Organization gathers community members, business owners, community leaders, non-profit stakeholders, and residents, to create a vision and a strategic plan for their Main Street. This organized approach ensures that the community is working together to create a Main Street that is attractive and useful for all community members.


Design promotes the aesthetic aspects of Main Street. A charming Main Street will attract both clients and business owners. Design may include securing funding for facade improvements, placing benches, flowers or other accessories, and improving public spaces.


Promotion provides support for a systematic approach for informing the public about the Main Street program. Promotion includes using social media, newsletters, websites, and articles or announcements in local outlets, to promote events, programs, and businesses that are part of the Main Street Program.

Economic Vitality

The last approach is economic vitality. Supporting economic vitality means offering assistance to existing business, developing current economic assets, discovering unused, or underused spaces, and encouraging new businesses that the market can support.

Our Goals

The ideal is for all of the Main Street businesses to thrive together and create economic growth throughout the community, providing needed services and products to community members.

The Colorado Main Street Program has demonstrated its significance throughout Colorado by helping communities develop businesses, generate new jobs, and create thriving communities that feel connected through their Main Street. The Main Street program not only sparks economic development, but it also connects community members to their town’s history and character, nourishing deeper roots and stronger communities.

Leadville Main Street is working to develop and preserve a Main Street that celebrates our unique history and place. Our community thrives when we have the spaces and resources to support and connect our community members as well as visitors. The systematic approach of the Leadville Main Street Program ensures that we have a healthy Main Street now and in the future.

Since its inception, Leadville Mainstreet has been preserving, promoting, and enhancing our historic downtown.
